We are delighted to be supporting the 2nd Advanced Practice week in the UK taking place from Sunday 11th to Saturday 17th November 2018.   

Last years week was very successful and proved the value of social media for networking and promoting and sharing the many activities that took place to showcase and celebrate Advanced Practice across all healthcare


This year we will be using #AdvPracWeek18 

We have produced a flyer to publicise the week which you can access from http://aape.org.uk/documents-publications/

Please also include @AAPEUK so we know what is being discussed and promote on etc.

To date these are the events for 2018 that we know of: 

Monday 12th Nov: University of Salford event – for details contact Annabella Gloster via a.s.gloster@salford.ac.uk

Wednesday 14th Nov: London South Bank University  15:00 – 19:00

Showcasing AHP Advanced Practice and Innovation across London.  London South Bank University has led a two year long project

called ADAPT arising from recognition of several key areas where professional groups needed to respond to the Five Year Forward View to support the transformation of the workforce and optimise patient outcomes. A wealth of information has been gathered using quantitative and qualitative approaches including an on-line survey and semi-structured interviews.

This free event is timely as the place of the different Allied Health Professions in the HEE Advanced Clinical Practice Framework implementation activities gains momentum.

To Register please access this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/showcasing-ahp-advanced-practice-and-innovation-across-london-tickets-48415230257?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Thursday 15th November – Health Education England are holding their annual Advanced Clinical Practice day.  They are hoping to be able to cater for 500 delegates due to high demand last year  There will be an Eventbrite set up for the day which we will circulate to AAPE UK members as soon as it is released.

Friday 16th November – University of Cardiff.  For details contact Anna Jones via jonesA23@cardiff.ac.uk

Please let Katrina know about any more events or activities that are going to take place in your area via maclaik@lsbu.ac.uk