AAPE UK work collectively to produce publications to help inform and influence discussions related to Advanced Clinical Practice education.
AAPE UK plan to repeat the survey related to AHPs and Pharmacists accessing Advanced Practice courses in the UK over the Summer 2020 to compare results with the October 2018 activity. A report will be published here by the end of 2020.
Representatives of AAPE UK are participating in discussions related to Advanced Clinical Practice at policy level in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
For example, Katrina Maclaine (former Chair of AAPE UK) is a member of Health Education England’s Advanced Clinical Practice Steering Group and Toolkit group. She also represents AAPE UK with another AAPE UK Committee member Helen Rushforth, on the Council of Deans Health Advanced Clinical Practice Steering Group and HEE’s Centre for Advancing Practice Education Group which is currently developing standards for Accreditation of Advanced Clinical Practice programmes. Annabella Gloster (current Chair AAPE UK) is on HEE’s Advanced Clinical Practice Operational Group that is working to implement the Multiprofessional Framework for Advanced Clinical Practice in England that was published by HEE in 2017.