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AAPE UK’s views on where ACCP’s fit in relation to Advanced Clinical Practice and Medical Associate Professions (MAPs)

Health Education England have been conducting a series of seminars on MAPs roles.  These have included presentations that present Advanced Critical Care Practitioners as MAPs who are categorised as “dependent clinicians” who “provide patient care under the supervision of a senior doctor”.

This has led to much debate on social media.  We therefore thought it important to share what AAPE UK stated in our response to the MAPs consultation held at the end of 2017:

“AAPE UK consider that it has been an error of judgement to include ACCP’s within this consultation under the umbrella of “Medical Associate Professions”. There are hundreds of Advanced Practitioners across the UK who work in Critical Care and ITU settings who are demonstrating safe and effective advanced level clinical practice in their direct patient care, work within teams and in evaluations and research.    Only a very small proportion of these have been opted to join the voluntary register with FCIM, many citing that they wanted a postgraduate education that developed them beyond the narrow medicalised focus of the FCIM ACCP curriculum.  

These ACCPs recognise that advanced practice extends beyond a “medical model dependent focus” as advocated by Health Education England in their recently published Multi-professional Advanced Clinical Practice Framework for England (November 2017) and the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland equivalents.

There are other advanced practice roles such as Advanced Clinical Practitioner (Royal College of Medicine) that have not been included in this consultation so we are unclear why the ACCP has been chosen in isolation”. 

AAPE UK has previously raised this discrepancy with HEE and will do so again next week at the HEE ACP Operational working group meeting.  We are concerned that the association between  ACCP’s and MAPs will perpetuate and reinforce the alignment of advanced practice with medicine which many of us have been trying to move away from for many years.

New information added to AAPE UK website

Latest information added in relation to

  • Advanced Practice week 2018 #AdvPracWeek18
  • AAPE UK representation at the 10th ICN NP/APN Network Conference in August 2018 in The Netherlands
  • Recent presentations on behalf of AAPE UK

Please sign up! Important opportunity to influence Health Education England work to implement their Multiprofessional Advanced Clinical Practice Framework for England.

HEE is working in partnership with NHSE, NHSI and partners across the system to establish an Academy to support the development of Advanced and Consultant Practice

We are asking all interested parties to sign up to participate in the co-production of this work please register your interest here: we will supply press releases in due course


OFFICIAL LAUNCH of AAPE UK Principles to support high quality Advanced Clinical Practice education

To coincide with the first Advanced Practice week in the UK, AAPE UK are delighted to publish their first set of Principles to support high quality Advanced Clinical Practice education.  We hope that these will prove to be a valuable resource to all those involved in educating health professionals to achieve an advanced level of clinical practice in the UK.

Please read the attachment.

If you have any feedback please contact Katrina Maclaine via


COUNCIL OF DEANS Advanced Clinical Practitioner Apprenticeship WEBINAR

Welcome to the first Advanced Practice week in the UK   #AdvPracWeek17

It is very timely that the Council of Deans have provided the Webinar that we held on the Advanced Clinical Practitioner degree Apprenticeship via You Tube.

The Council of Deans of Health’s hosted a webinar on Tuesday 31st January 2017 in which Pat Hibberd (University of Birmingham) and Katrina Maclaine (London South Bank University) provided an update on the Advanced Clinical Practitioner Apprenticeship and the HEE multi-professional framework for ACP.

A recording of the webinar is now available for you to watch to via our YouTube channel and can be accessed by clicking here.

We hope that this will be useful for those of you who were unable to join the Webinar.

Further updates on the progress with this Apprenticeship will be provided on the AAPE UK website

FIRST ADVANCED PRACTICE WEEK IN THE UK 12th -18th November 2017 #AdvPracWeek17

We are delighted to be part of the first Advanced Practice week to be held in UK to coincide with very successful annual Nurse Practitioner week in the USA.

We want all interested parties to make full use of social media during this week to publicise and promote the value of advanced clinical practice for our patients and services across all healthcare settings.     Use #AdvPracWeek17  @AAPEUK

The following conferences are taking place during this week:

Monday 13th November 1-3pm “An Introduction to Advanced Practice” The Nightingale Academy at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Foundation Trust, London.  Contact

Tuesday 14th November 9am – 3.30pm “Illuminating the Pillars of Advanced Practice and the way forward” University of Salford.  Contact

Wednesday 15th November 5.30 – 8pm Health Debate “When does Advanced Clinical Practice stop being Nursing?” London South Bank University.  Contact  

Thursday 16th November  Health Education England “Advanced Clinical Practice: Mission Possible 2017 – learning, shaping and implementing – join the conversation” The Kia Oval, London.  Contact

Thursday 16th November “9am – 4.30pm “Celebrating Advanced Practice”  University of the West of England, Bristol.  Contact

And in the following week:

Thursday 23rd November 9.30am – 3.30pm “Coventry University Celebrates 10 years of Advanced Clinical Practice”  Coventry University. Contact 


Dear Colleagues

I have been part of the collaboration that has produced an important piece of research which highlights misuse of titles such as Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner.  The Health Service Journal ran a pre-article which has been picked up in the Nursing Press etc.  Please read the full article for details.  The NMC has responded and the implications of the research are being discussed at the CNO meeting.  Hopefully an important stepping cytotec price stone to reconsidering the need for regulation.



‘Variation in job titles within the nursing workforce’- a new study published today (7 September 2017) in The Journal of Clinical Nursing, warns of a significant risk to patient safety that threatens to undermine public confidence in the nursing profession and highlights the need for greater regulation of standards and qualifications within the sector.

The report is produced by researchers at London South Bank University (LSBU) who analysed in detail a cohort of around 18,000 (17,960) specialist nursing posts over a ten-year period (2006-2016) within NHS trusts across the UK.

Results of their analysis show that just under 600 (595) different specialist job titles are currently in use– a practice that is not only confusing for the public, medical professionals and commissioners of healthcare services- but is arguably posing a serious risk to patient safety.

The International Council of Nurses recommends that advanced level nurses who often prescribe drugs and manage a caseload have at least a Masters degree level qualification but of 8064 posts looked at, for which educational data was obtained, 323 (4%) were recorded as holding titles such as ‘Advanced Nurse Practitioner’ and ‘Specialist Nurse’ while having no formal first level nursing qualification registered with the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC).

This four per cent group of unregistered nursing support workers employed by NHS trusts in England are most prevalent in London and the North East of England.

In this group that were not registered with the NMC all of the low paid workers featured in this sample (100 per cent) were women earning in the region of £17-22k (Pay band 3 and 4).

Of these, the majority use the term ‘Advanced Nurse’ or both ‘Advanced’ and ‘Nurse’ in their job title. Examples include, ‘Advanced Practitioner’ which was the most common (83) followed by ‘Specialist Practitioners (69) and ‘Advanced Nurse Practitioner’ (52). They primarily worked in emergency care, pre-assessment, theatres and cancer.

These job titles were cross-checked further on the NHS Jobs website during April-May 2017 using the search terms ‘advanced’ and ‘nurse’ (and applying a pay band 1-4 filter) revealed advertised posts for which registration with the NMC as a registered nurse was not required.

Those who were registered nurses using the title specialist or advanced had a variety of qualifications which ranged from none to Masters and PhDs.

As there is currently no regulation of specialist advanced nursing practice in the UK employers and post holders drive the labelling of posts. The report recommends that harmonisation would help to curb the unnecessary proliferation of nursing job titles, introduce much needed clarity and possibly enhance patient safety.

The report also suggests that regulation of protected job titles is particularly important for the international community in countries outside of the UK that are developing these roles.

Alison Leary, LSBU Professor and Chair of Healthcare and Workforce Modelling, one of three LSBU research staff who co-authored this report said: “What the results of this study clearly show is that advanced nursing practice needs regulation to help protect the public. Lack of consistency has implications for the wider perception of advanced specialist practice in the worldwide community and the workforce more generally.

 “If the current system is allowed to continue unhindered, then there is a real risk posed to patient safety. Public trust also risks being undermined by NHS trusts applying professional job titles to low-paid carers who are not fully qualified nurses.

“In some instances, there is evidence that these post holders are being expected to treat members of the public and are missing diagnoses altogether, which could lead to patients becoming seriously ill or worse.

 “This study also demonstrates that previous assumptions by the Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence that advanced practice labels are associated with career progression are unsound and should be addressed by the regulator. 

“The lack of a common framework across England is an issue. Future role development and education from a common framework should be considered.”