We are delighted to be part of the first Advanced Practice week to be held in UK to coincide with very successful annual Nurse Practitioner week in the USA.
We want all interested parties to make full use of social media during this week to publicise and promote the value of advanced clinical practice for our patients and services across all healthcare settings. Use #AdvPracWeek17 @AAPEUK
The following conferences are taking place during this week:
Monday 13th November 1-3pm “An Introduction to Advanced Practice” The Nightingale Academy at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Foundation Trust, London. Contact andrew.munday@gstt.nhs.uk
Tuesday 14th November 9am – 3.30pm “Illuminating the Pillars of Advanced Practice and the way forward” University of Salford. Contact a.s.gloster@salford.ac.uk
Wednesday 15th November 5.30 – 8pm Health Debate “When does Advanced Clinical Practice stop being Nursing?” London South Bank University. Contact maclaik@lsbu.ac.uk
Thursday 16th November Health Education England “Advanced Clinical Practice: Mission Possible 2017 – learning, shaping and implementing – join the conversation” The Kia Oval, London. Contact deqevents@hee.nhs.uk
Thursday 16th November “9am – 4.30pm “Celebrating Advanced Practice” University of the West of England, Bristol. Contact Anna2.Neary@uwe.ac.uk
And in the following week:
Thursday 23rd November 9.30am – 3.30pm “Coventry University Celebrates 10 years of Advanced Clinical Practice” Coventry University. Contact ac0626@coventry.ac.uk