
AAPE UK was formally established in 2005 and now has 200 members representing 43 UK Universities. The Association offers an Annual Conference and AGM (free to members). AAPE UK is organised via an elected National Committee that meets quarterly.

An expert advisory group for consultation, professional advice, policy and regulatory development.

Establishing the role and status of Advanced Nurse Practitioners through interface with other Allied Health Professions.
Engaging in dialogue and lobbying with professional and statutory bodies, commissioners, employers and relevant government bodies.

Networking across the UK – RCN, Advanced Nurse Practitioner Forum
Collaboration between US and UK Advanced Nurse Practitioner education providers – USA NONPF, ICN.
Collaborative curriculum development and standard setting for Advanced Nurse Practitioner education across the four countries of theUK.

Sharing information on national and international developments that are pertinent to Advanced Nurse Practitioner education, and promoting best educational practice.

Problem sharing, problem solving and mutual support.

For enquires regarding AAPE UK Membership and Fees contact:

Douglas Allan (Chair / Treasurer) – Glasgow Caledonian University /
Linda East (Secretary) – University of Nottingham /
Dave Barton (Web and Communication Resource) – Swansea University /