
Key report from Council for Deans Health includes important results for Advanced Clinical Practice education

In January 2020, the Council of Deans Health published their analysis of the Council’s academic staffing census 2019.

This identified a theme related to challenges for Universities who are delivering Advanced Clinical Practice programmes for sustained provision and expanding capacity.

This will have been circulated to your Deans and Heads of School but it is important that you also see this too, along with the recommendations.

Chair Katrina Maclaine has discussed the conclusions with Fleur Neilsen at the the Council of Deans Health.  We are considering strategies to ensure that the issues highlighted in this report remain at the forefront of discussions regarding the current and future workforce in the higher education sector.

Free workshop for AAPE UK Members: Masterclass for ACP educators

AAPE UK in collaboration with Health Education England (HEE) are providing a series of masterclasses on key topics identified in the Long Term Plan (NHS England, 2019).  This aims to enable ACP educators to equip their graduates with the knowledge and skills needed to transform services across all services.

The next one is on Friday 21st February 10am – 2pm hosted by University of Salford.   This will focus on three key topics: Population and Public Health, Leadership and Mental Health.

AAPE UK members have two free places per education provider.

Further information and to book a place please email Annabella Gloster via

We are planning another event for May 2020 so look out for details.

New Advanced Clinical Practice standard for Nurses working in General Practice launched this month

AAPE UK are delighted to note the launch of this important publication which articulates the scope and level of practice that should be expected from Advanced Nurse Practitioners working in General Practice.

AAPE UK participated in the Steering Group that worked with Skills for Health to produce this standard.

This is now being used as a spring-board for work to develop standards for Advanced Clinical Practitioners of all professions within the primary care context.

University College Man, Isle of Man join AAPE UK membership

We are very pleased to welcome University College Man, Isle of Man into membership of AAPE UK. Dr Lyz Howard contacted us as the Programme Leader for the first MSc Advanced Clinical Practice programme delivered on the Isle of Man.

This demonstrates how AAPE UK is increasingly recognised within the Higher Education Institution community as a key association to join for all involved in advanced clinical practice education.

A key goal for 2020 is to increase our membership further to this is a great start to the year.

AAPE Annual conference and AGM presentations from 29th March 2019 (Coventry University)

We held another very successful conference this year hosted by Coventry University.   Approximately 70 delegates attended and benefited from hearing presentations from a range of speakers and updates on advanced practice activities across the four countries of the UK.

Most of the presentations have been made available to you below.

We are in the process of reviewing the evaluations to inform our conference planning for 2020.  If you have any suggestions please contact the Deputy Chair Annabella Gloster via

Outcome of AAPE UK Elections

We are delighted to announce that results from the elections held on Friday 29th March 2019  were announced at the AGM as follows:

Re-elected to the Committee

  • Annabella Gloster
  • Kathy Haigh
  • Chris Inman
  • Anna Jones
  • Katrina Maclaine
  • Helen Orton
  • Jacky Price
  • Deborah Slade
  • Hilary Walsgrove

Two new Committee members were elected as follows:

  • Colette Henderson (University of Dundee)
  • Helen Rushforth (University of Southampton)

The Committee now stands at 16 which is the maximum allowed under the Constitution.


Final programme for AAPE UK Annual conference now available

We have now finalised the programme for our next annual conference on Friday 29th March 2019.  Please see the attached for details and for the eventbrite link.

We hope to see you all at Coventry University for what will be a very informative and important date in the calendar for all those involved in education related to Advanced Clinical Practice across the UK.

Don’t forget to let us know if you want to enter the poster presentations via



We are delighted to note that we have recently welcomed a flurry of new members to our AAPE UK membership making our new total the highest yet at 48 Universities.

The is excellent news.  The more universities we have in our membership, the more power and influence we can have in the current discussions on advanced practice taking place in all four countries of the UK.

AAPE UK’s views on where ACCP’s fit in relation to Advanced Clinical Practice and Medical Associate Professions (MAPs)

Health Education England have been conducting a series of seminars on MAPs roles.  These have included presentations that present Advanced Critical Care Practitioners as MAPs who are categorised as “dependent clinicians” who “provide patient care under the supervision of a senior doctor”.

This has led to much debate on social media.  We therefore thought it important to share what AAPE UK stated in our response to the MAPs consultation held at the end of 2017:

“AAPE UK consider that it has been an error of judgement to include ACCP’s within this consultation under the umbrella of “Medical Associate Professions”. There are hundreds of Advanced Practitioners across the UK who work in Critical Care and ITU settings who are demonstrating safe and effective advanced level clinical practice in their direct patient care, work within teams and in evaluations and research.    Only a very small proportion of these have been opted to join the voluntary register with FCIM, many citing that they wanted a postgraduate education that developed them beyond the narrow medicalised focus of the FCIM ACCP curriculum.  

These ACCPs recognise that advanced practice extends beyond a “medical model dependent focus” as advocated by Health Education England in their recently published Multi-professional Advanced Clinical Practice Framework for England (November 2017) and the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland equivalents.

There are other advanced practice roles such as Advanced Clinical Practitioner (Royal College of Medicine) that have not been included in this consultation so we are unclear why the ACCP has been chosen in isolation”. 

AAPE UK has previously raised this discrepancy with HEE and will do so again next week at the HEE ACP Operational working group meeting.  We are concerned that the association between  ACCP’s and MAPs will perpetuate and reinforce the alignment of advanced practice with medicine which many of us have been trying to move away from for many years.

New information added to AAPE UK website

Latest information added in relation to

  • Advanced Practice week 2018 #AdvPracWeek18
  • AAPE UK representation at the 10th ICN NP/APN Network Conference in August 2018 in The Netherlands
  • Recent presentations on behalf of AAPE UK