Dear Colleagues
The International Council of Nurses Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nurse Network has launched a new study looking at Advanced Practice Nurses perceptions of spirituality (see below). Please do participate if you can. We would be grateful if you could disseminate this request to APN colleagues and organisations as widely as possible. In the UK we are hoping all ACPs who are nurses will participate. Trainees are welcome to complete the survey also.
Who is conducting this study and what is it about?
This study was developed by a group of researchers from the ICN Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nurse (ICN NP/APN) Network and colleagues at a number of universities across the globe. We are interested in your perceptions of spirituality as an Advanced Practice Nurse.
Who can participate in this study?
Participants must meet the following criteria:
- Be an Advanced Practice Nurse (NP/CNS). For example, you may be working clinically, in education, research, policy-making or other related NP/APN work.
- Be able to read and write in English.
- Have access to an Internet connection.
What are participants asked to do?
Participants are invited to complete a short questionnaire, which should take 10 minutes of your time.
Why would participants want to complete this study?
Participation will help to ascertain perceptions of spirituality across the globe. Participation is voluntary, confidential, and has no foreseeable risk or harm.
How may I participate in this study?
To get started please click on the link below or the scan the QR Code at the bottom:
Who can be contacted if more information is needed?
Additional information can be provided by the Principal Investigator:
Prof Melanie Rogers RGN, BSc, MSc, PhD, Queens Nurse, ICN Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nurse Network Research Academy Director via email: