Author: | Title: | Date: | Journal / Publisher / URL: |
Barton T.D. Thome R. Hoptroff M. | The nurse practitioner; redefining occupational boundaries? | 1999 | International Journal of Nursing Studies 36 57-63 |
Southgate L | Professional competence in medicine. | 1999 | Hosp Med 1999 Mar; 60(3):203-5 |
Woods L P | The contingent nature of advanced nursing practice | 1999 | Journal of Advanced Nursing. 30(1):121-128, July 1999. |
Offredy M | The Nurse Practitioner Role in New South Wales: development and policy | 1999 | |
Williams, Anne | Changing roles and identities in primary health care: exploring a culture of uncertainty | 1999 | Journal of Advanced Nursing. 29(3):737-745, March 1999. |
Maynard CA | Political Influence: A Model for Advanced Nursing Education | 1999 | Clin Nurse Spec. 1999 Jul;13(4):191-5. |
Cloonan PA, Davis FD, Burnett CB | Interdisciplinary education in clinical ethics: a work in progress. | 1999 | Holist Nurs Pract 1999 Jan; 13(2):12-9 |
Hunter, Pauline MEd, BSc(Hons)PGDipEd, RGN, RNT | The importance of education | 1999 | Nursing Standard. 13(46):49-50, August 4-10, 1999. |
American Association of Colleges of Nursing | Certificate and Regulation of Advanced Practice Nurses – Position Statement | 1999 | Journal of Professional Nursing 15(2) 130-132 |
Walsh M. | Nurses and nurse practitioners part 2: perspectives on care. | 1999 | Nursing Standard. 13(25):36-40, March 10-16, 1999. |
Hunt J A | A specialist nurse: an identified professional role or a personal agenda? | 1999 | Journal of Advanced Nursing – Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 704-712 – September 1999 |
Aguwa MI, Liechty DK | Professional identification and affiliation of the 1992 graduate class of the colleges of osteopathic medicine. | 1999 | J Am Osteopath Assoc 1999 Aug; 99(8):408-20 |
Hicks C, Hennessy D | A task-based approach to defining the role of the nurse practitioner: the views of UK acute and primary sector nurses. | 1999 | J Adv Nurs 1999 Mar; 29(3):666-73 |
Roberts-Davis M, Susan Read, Gilbert P, Nolan M | Preparing the Nurse Practitioner for the 21st Century | 1999 | |
Sakr M, Angus J, Perrin J, Nixon C, Nicholl J, Wardrope J | Care of minor injuries by emergency nurse practitioners or junior doctors: a randomised controlled trial | 1999 | Lancet 1999 Oct; 354(9187):1321-6 |
Smithson J | NPs: the need for recognition | 1999 | British Journal of Community Nursing, 4 (2), pp. 65-69. |
McCabe S; Grover S. | Psychiatric nurse practitioner versus clinical nurse specialist: moving from debate to action on the future of advanced psychiatric nursing. | 1999 | Archives Of Psychiatric Nursing 13 (3), 111-6. . |
McCartney W, Tyrer S, Brazier M, Prayle D | Nurse prescribing: radicalism or tokenism? | 1999 | J Adv Nurs 1999 Feb; 29(2):348-54 |
Scholes J, Furlong S and Vaughan B | New roles in practice: charting three typologies of role innovation, | 1999 | Nursing in Critical Care, 4 (6), pp. 268-275. |
Ball C | Revealing higher levels of nursing practice, | 1999 | Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 15 (2), 65-76. |
Chang E, Daly J, Hawkins A, McGirr J, Fielding K, Hemmings L, O’Donoghue A, Dennis M | An evaluation of the nurse practitioner role in a major rural emergency department | 1999 | Journal of Advanced Nursing 30(1), 260–268, |
Department of Health | Making a Difference: strengthening the nursing, midwifery and health visiting contribution to health and healthcare | 1999 | London, The Stationery Office |
Hind M, Jackson D, Andrewes C, Fulbrook P, Galvin K and Frost S | Exploring the expanded role of nurses in critical care, | 1999 | ntensive and Critical Care Nursing, 15, pp. 147-153. |
Quall SJ. | Clinical nurse specialist: role restructuring to advanced practice registered nurse | 1999 | Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 21(4): 37-49.. |
Bamford O & Gibson F | The clinical nurse specialist role: personal qualities identified, | 1999 | Advancing Clinical Nursing, 3, pp.1009-1111. |
Walsh R. | Autonomous practitioner or handmaiden? | 1999 | Emergency Nurse, 7 (7), pp. 24-28. |
Offredy M. | Decision making by Nurse Practitioners | 1998 | – accessed on june 2003 The Florence Nightingale Foundation |
Johnson SM, Bordinat D | Professional identity: key to the future of the osteopathic medical profession in the United States | 1998 | J Am Osteopath Assoc 1998 Jun; 98(6):325-31 |
Baldwin KA, Sisk RJ, Watts P, McCubbin J, Brockschmidt B, Marion LN | Acceptance of nurse practitioners and physician assistants in meeting the perceived needs of rural communities. | 1998 | Public Health Nurs 1998 Dec;15(6):389-97 |
Waller S | The UKCC’s further work on specialist practice. | 1998 | Nurs Stand 1998 Jun 17-23;12(39):33 |
Hicks C. Hennessy D. | A triangulation approach to the identification of acute sector nurses’ training needs for formal nurse practitioner status | 1998 | Journal of Advanced Nursing – Volume 27 Issue 1 Page 117-131 – January 1998 |
Mills AC, McSweeney M, Lavin MA | Characteristics of patient visits to nurse practitioners and physician assistants in hospital outpatient departments. | 1998 | J Prof Nurs 1998 Nov-Dec;14(6):335-43 |
Waller S | Clarifying the UKCC’s position in relation to higher level practice. | 1998 | Br J Nurs 1998 Sep 10-23;7(16):960-4 |
Editorial – Nursing Times | Super nurses will not solve the recruitment problem. | 1998 | Nurs Times 1998 Sep 16-22;94(37):3 |
Wright S. | Politicisation of ‘culture’. | 1998 | Anthropology in Action 5 (1/2): 3 10. |
Allan JD | Striving for quality in advanced practice nursing education. | 1998 | Adv Pract Nurs Q 1998 Winter;4(3):6-13 |
Brown M. Olshansky E. | Becoming a primary care nurse practitioner: challenges of the initial year of practice | 1998 | The Nurse Practitioner 23(7) 46-66 |
Reveley, Shirley | The role of the triage nurse practitioner in general medical practice: an analysis of the role | 1998 | Journal of Advanced Nursing. 28(3):584-591, September 1998. |
Humphris D, Masterson A | Practising at a higher level. | 1998 | Prof Nurse 1998 Oct;14(1):10-3 |
Mayled A. | Medical Admission Units: The role of the nurse practitioner | 1998 | Nursing Standard 12(27) 44-47 |
Waller S | Higher level practice in nursing: a prerequisite for nurse consultants? | 1998 | Hosp Med 1998 Oct;59(10):816-8 |
Hodnicki DR | Advanced practice nursing certification: where do we go from here? | 1998 | Adv Pract Nurs Q 1998 Winter;4(3):34-43 |
Thomas L | The UKCC’s specialist practice consultation period. | 1998 | Nurs Stand 1998 Jun 10-16;12(38):1 |
Elliott Pennels C. J. | Specialist nurses | 1998 | Professional Nurse 13(6) 382-383 |
Waters T | The role of the nurse practitioner in the gastroenterology setting. | 1998 | Gastroenterol Nurs 1998 Sep; 21(5):198-206 |
Read Susan | Exploring new roles for nurses in the acute sector | 1998 | Professional Nurse 14(2) 90-94 |
Balogh D, Berry A | A challenge for clinical nurses: a new nursing role. | 1998 | Heart Lung 1998 Nov-Dec;27(6):355-9 |
UKCC | Higher Level of Practice – Consultation Document – Summer | 1998 | UKCC, London – In you file at work Dave – you did paper to Reports Directorate |
Brown S. | A framework for advanced practice nursing | 1998 | Journal of Professional Nursing 14, 157-164. |
Garbett R | The UKCC’s proposals for advanced-level nurse registration. | 1998 | Nurs Times 1998 Aug 19-25;94(33):18 |
Conway J | Evolution of the species ‘expert nurse’. An examination of the practical knowledge held by expert nurses | 1998 | Journal of Clinical Nursing. 7(1):75-82, January 1998. |
Scott C | Specialist practice: advancing the profession? | 1998 | J Adv Nurs 1998 Sep;28(3):554-62 |
Torn A. McNicholl E | A qualitative study utilising a focus group to explore the role and concept of the nurse practitioner, | 1998 | Journal of Advanced Nursing, 27 (6), pp. 1202-1211. |
Pencheon D, Lambert M and Hadridge P | The emergency care system of the future. So many unanswered questions, | 1998 | Journal of Accident & Emergency Medicine, 15, pp. 49-53. |
Overton-Brown P and Anthony D | Towards partnership in care: nurses’ and doctors’ interpretation of extremity trauma radiology, | 1998 | Journal of Advanced Nursing, 27, pp. 890-896. |
Department of Health | Our Healthier Nation: A contract for health (CM3852) | 1998 | DoH London, The Stationary Office |
UKCC | Higher Level of Practice – Consultation Document – Summer | 1998 | UKCC, London – In you file at work Dave – you did paper to Reports Directorate |
Dunphy LM and Winland-Brown JE | The circle of caring: a transformative model of advanced practice nursing, | 1998 | Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners, 2, pp. 241-247. |
Bowler S, Mallik M | Role extension or expansion: a qualitative investigation of the perceptions of senior medical and nursing staff in an adult intensive care unit. | 1998 | Intensive Crit Care Nurs 1998 Feb;14(1):11-20 |
Castledine G | Role of the clinical nurse consultant, | 1998 | British Journal of Nursing, 7 (17), p1054. |
Woods L. | Implementing advanced practice: identifying the factors that facilitate and inhibit the process. | 1998 | Journal of Clinical Nursing 7(3), 265–273. |
Warr J. Gobbi M. Johnson S. | Expanding the Nursing Profession | 1998 | Nursing Standard April 22, 12(31) – 44-47 |
Jenkins-Clarke S, Carr-Hil, Roy, Dixon P | Teams and seams: skill mix in primary care. | 1998 | Journal of Advanced Nursing. 28(5):1120-1126, November 1998 |
Castledine G. | Nursing says ‘yes’ to higher levels of practice | 1998 | British Journal of Nursing 7(21) 1350 |
Rolfe, Gary. Fulbrook, Paul. | Advanced nursing practice | 1998 | Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann |
Styles MM | An international perspective: APN credentialing. | 1998 | Adv Pract Nurs Q 1998 Winter;4(3):1-5 |
Duthie GS, Drew PJ, Hughes MA, Farouk R, Hodson R, Wedgwood KR, Monson JR | A UK training programme for nurse practitioner flexible sigmoidoscopy and a prospective evaluation of the practice of the first UK trained nurse flexible sigmoidoscopist. | 1998 | Gut 1998 Nov;43(5):711-4 |
Portillo CJ, Schumacher KL | Graduate program: advanced practice nurses in the home. | 1998 | AACN Clin Issues 1998 Aug;9(3):355-61 |
Caballero C | Carry on super nurse. | 1998 | Nurs Times 1998 Sep 16-22;94(37):13 |
Nolan TW | Understanding medical systems | 1998 | Ann Intern Med 1998 Feb; 128(4):293-8 |
Murray C, Wild K | Will higher level practice help the profession? | 1998 | Br J Nurs 1998 Oct 8-21;7(18):1062 |
Maclaine K | Clarifying higher level roles in nursing practice | 1998 | Professional Nurse 14(3) 159-163 |
Lewis CK, Carson WY | Nurse practitioner certification: benefits and drawbacks. | 1998 | Adv Pract Nurs Q 1998 Winter;4(3):72-7 |
Wood I | The effects of continuing professional education on the clinical practice of nurses: a review of the literature. | 1998 | Int J Nurs Stud 1998 Jun;35(3):125-31 |
Dimmond B. | Radiology Nursing: Legal issues surrounding the expanded role. | 1998 | British Journal of Nursing 7(13) 793-796 |
UKCC | PREP – specialist practice: Consideration of issues relating to embracing nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists within the specialist practice framework | 1997 (Dec) | U.K.C.C. London – Agendum 7.2. CC/97/46 |
Shea S and Selfridge-Thomas J | The ED nurse practitioner: pearls and pitfalls of role transition and development, | 1997 | Journal of Emergency Nursing, 233, pp. 235-237. |
Allen D | The nursing-medical boundary: a negotiated order? | 1997 | Sociology of Health and Illness 19(4) 498-520 |
Sherwood G. D. | Defining Nurse Practitioners Scope of Practice: Expanding Primary Care Services. | 1997 | The internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice Vol 1 N 2\r\n |
Myers,P.C.,Lenci,B.& Sheldon,M.G | A nurse practitioner as the first point of contact for urgent medical problems in a general practice setting | 1997 | Family Practice ,14 (6),492-497. |
UKCC | PREP – specialist practice – Consideration of issues relating to embracing nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists within the specialist practice framework | 1997 | U.K.C.C. London, Agendum 7.2. December 1997, CC/97/46 |
Pennels C | Protocols (legal aspects of protocol for nurse administration of drugs) | 1997 | Professional Nurse 13(2) 113-7 |
Keyzer DM | Working Together: The Advanced Rural Nurse Practitioner and Rural Doctor | 1997 | Australian Journal of Rural Health 5(4): 184–189 |
Department of Health | The New NHS: Modern, dependable (CM3807) | 1997 | DoH London, The Stationary Office |
Pinelli JM. | The clinical nurse specialist/nurse practitioner: oxymoron or match made in heaven? | 1997 | Canadian Journal Of Nursing Administration 10 (1), 85-110. . |
Woods L. | Conceptualizing advanced nursing practice: curriculum issues to consider in the educational preparation of advanced practice nurses in the UK. | 1997 | Journal of Advanced Nursing 25(4), 820-828. |
Tye CC | The emergency nurse practitioner role in major accident and emergency departments: professional issues and the research agenda, | 1997 | Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26, pp. 364-370. |
Lindeke L. L. Canedy B. H. Kay M. M. | A Comparison of Practice Domains of Clinical Nurse Specialists and Nurse Practitioners | 1997 | Journal of Professional Nursing 13(5) p.281-287 |
Whiteley MS; Wilmott K; Offland RB. | A specialist nurse can replace pre-registration house officers in the surgical pre-admission clinic. | 1997 | Annals Of The Royal College Of Surgeons Of England 79 (6l), 257-60. . |
Maylor, M | Nurse practitioners: what difference does a title make? | 1997 | Nursing Standard. 1997 Dec 17-1998 Jan 6; 12(13-15): 54-5. |
Manley, K | A conceptual framework for advanced practice : an action research project operationalizing an advanced practitioner/consultant nurse role | 1997 | Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol 6, Pt. 3, pp. 179-190. |
McCaffrey Boyle DM | Lessons learned from clinical nurse specialist longevity, | 1997 | Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26, pp. 1168-1174. |
Brush B. L. Capezuti E. A. | Professional Autonomy: Essential for nurse practitioners survival in the 21st century | 1997 | Journal of American Academic Nurse Practitioners 9(6) June 265-270 |
Heaney D. & Paxton F. | Minor injuries units: evaluating patients’ perceptions, | 1997 | Nursing Standard, 12 (5), pp. 45-47. |
Heaney D. & Paxton F | Evaluation of a nurse-led minor injuries unit, | 1997 | Nursing Standard, 12 (4), pp. 35-38. |
Dolan B, Dale J and Morley V | Nurse practitioners: the role in A&E and primary care, | 1997 | Nursing Standard, 11 (17), pp.33-37. |
Ball C | Planning for the future: advanced nursing practice in critical care, | 1997 | Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 13 (1), pp.17-25. |
Beales J | Innovation in accident and emergency management: establishing a nurse-practitioner run minor injuries/primary care unit, | 1997 | Accident and Emergency Nursing, 5, pp. 71-75. |
Campbell-Heider N., Kleinpell R.M., Holzemer W.L. | Commentary about Marchione and Garlands ‘An Emerging Profession? The case of the nurse practitioner’. | 1997 | Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship 29(4) 338-339 |
Murray C, Thomas M | Advanced nursing practice: role or concept? | 1997 | Br J Nurs 1997 May 8-21;6(9):474 |
Dunn L. | A Literature Review of Advanced Clinical Nursing Practice in the United States of America. | 1997 | Journal of Advanced Nursing 25,4, 814-819. |
Wright KB | Advanced practice nursing: merging the clinical nurse specialist and nurse practitioner roles. | 1997 | Gastroenterol Nurs 1997 Mar-Apr;20(2):57-60 |
Albarran JW, Whittle C | An analysis of professional, specialist and advanced nursing practice in critical care. | 1997 | Nurse Educ Today 1997 Feb;17(1):72-9 |
Marshall J. I | Protocols and Emergency Nursing | 1997 | Nursing Times 93(14) 58-59 |
Salussolia M | Is advanced nursing practice a post or a person? | 1997 | Br J Nurs 1997 Sep 11-24;6(16):928-33 |
Read S. Jones R. | Analysis of the contents of ENRiP database: Report to ENRiP advisory group meeting | 1997 | ScHARR, University of Sheffield – From Maclaine |
McGee P | Development of specialist and advanced practice in North America | 1997 | British Journal of Nursing 6(5) 272-274 |
Castledine G | Framework for a clinical career structure in nursing. | 1997 | British Journal of Nursing 6 (5): 264-271 (Mar 13 1997) |
Royal College of Nursing (RCN) | Nurse Practitioners – your questions answered | 1997 | RCN, London |
Murray C, Thomas M | Specialist practitioners: are they all the same? | 1996 | Br J Nurs 1996 Dec 12-1997 Jan 8;5(22):1353 |
Chan FS | An evaluation of the role of the night nurse practitioner. | 1996 | Nurs Times 92 (38): 38-39 (Sep 18 1996) |
Stilwell B. Scott C. | The nurse practitioner project: Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals | 1996 | London – Royal College of Nursing |
Kaufman G | Nurse practitioners in general practice: an expanding role. | 1996 | Nursing Standard 11 (8): 44-47 (Nov 13 1996) |
Easen, P; Wilcockson, J | Intuition and rational decision-making in professional thinking: a false dichotomy? | 1996 | Journal of Advanced Nursing. 24(4):667-673, October 1996. |
Parkinson, C. | So you want to be a … [Nurse practitioner] | 1996 | Community Nurse, Feb 1996, Vol 2, No 1, p51 |
Stilwell B. | The Nurse Practitioner Role and Title – Draft Document – Conference Paper | 1996 | Uncertain |
Department of Health | Primary care delivering the future | 1996 | London, HMSO |
Fulbrook P | Advanced practice: do we know what it is? | 1996 | Nurs Crit Care 1996 Jan-Feb;1(1):9-12 |
Brown MA | Primary care nurse practitioners: Do not blend the colors in the rainbow of advanced practice nursing, | 1996 | Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Available from: (Accessed 21 March 2008) (Internet). |
Jukes Mark | Advanced practice within learning disability nursing. | 1996 | British Journal of Nursing 5(5) 293-298 |
Ackerman M, Norsen L, Martin B, Wiedrich J & Kitzman H | Development of a model of advanced practice. | 1996 | American Journal of Critical Care 5,68-73. |
Dowling S; Martin R; Skidmore P; Doyal L; Cameron A; Lloyd S. | Nurses taking on junior doctors’ work: a confusion of accountability. | 1996 | BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.) 11- 312 (7040): 1211-4. |
Conference Report – Abstracts from the Conference “MiniDoctor/MaxiNurse” organised by SNAP – Birmingham 1996 | Nurse Practitioners and the Law. | 1996 | British Journal of Nursing 5(5) 301-302 |
Newbold D. | An evaluation of the role of the nurse practitioner | 1996 | Nursing Times 92(22) 45-46 |
Royal College of Nursing – Learning Unit | Pushing the Boundaries: Nurse Practitioner | 1996 | Nursing Standard March 27 10(27) |
Leung HY, Davis M, Arnold D, Hamdy FC, Neal DE | The role of the nurse practitioner in a urology service. | 1996 | British Journal of Urology 77 (4): 502-505 (Apr 1996) |
Rasch R. F. R. and Frauman A. C. | Advanced Practice in Nursing: Conceptual Issues | 1996 | Journal of Professional Nursing 12(3) p.141-146 |
Pennels C. | Nurse Prescribing (legal aspects) | 1996 | Professional Nurse 13(2) 114-5 |
Ryan S. | Defining the role of the specialist nurse | 1996 | Nursing Standard 10(17) 27-29 |
Webb, J., Warwick, C. | Leading the way | 1996 | Nursing Standard, 10 Jan 1996, Vol 10, No 16, p44. |
Kelly A. | Nurse Practitioners: furthering the debate. | 1996 | Health Visitor 70(1) 18-20 |
Elcock K. | Consultant Nurse: an appropriate title for the advanced nurse practitioner? | 1996 | British Journal of Nursing 5(22) 1376-1381 |
McGee P., Castledine G., Brown R. | A survey of specialist and advanced nursing practice in England. | 1996 | British Journal of Nursing 5(11) 682-686 |
Peysner J | Physicians’ assistants: Legal implications of the extended role of the nurse | 1996 | British Journal of Nursing 5(10) 592 |
Kitson A L | Johns Hopkins Address: Does Nursing Have a Future? | 1996 | British Medical Journal (1996) Vol 313, 1647-1651. |
Crouch R., Dale J., Haverty S., Winsor S. | Piloting an A&E and practice nurse educational exchange. | 1996 | British Journal of Nursing 5(22) 1387-1390 |
Raines KH; Wilson A. | Frontier nursing service: a historical perspective on nurse-managed care. | 1996 | Journal Of Community Health Nursing [J Community Health Nurs 13(2) 123-7. |
Joanne V. Hickey, Ruth M. Ouimette, Sandra L. Venegoni. [edited by] | Advanced practice nursing : changing roles and clinical applications | 1996 | Philadelphia : Lippincott, |
Bryan Catharine | Becoming a Nurse Practitioner | 1996 | Community Nurse 2(6) 22 |
Castledine G. | The role and criteria of an advanced nurse practitioner. | 1996 | British Journal of Nursing 5(5) 288-289 |
Cahill H. | Role definition: nurse practitioners or clinicians’ assistants. | 1996 | British Journal of Nursing 5(22) 1382-1386 |
Svensson Roland | The interplay between doctors and nurses – a negotiated order perspective | 1996 | Sociology of Health and Illness Vol. 18 No. 3 – 379-398 |
McGee P | The research role of the advanced nurse practitioner. | 1996 | British Journal of Nursing 5(5) 290-292 |
Mitchinson S. Goodlad S. | Changes in the roles and responsibilities of nurses. | 1996 | Professional Nurse 11(11) 734-736 |
Bousfield C. | A phenomenological investigation into the role of the clinical nurse specialist. | 1996 | Journal of Advanced Nursing 25(2): 245-256 |
Ryan AA. | Doctor-nurse relations: a review of the literature. | 1996 | Social Sciences in Health: International Journal of Research & Practice. 2(2):93-106, 1996 May. |
Auter R. | Role of the nurse teacher in advanced nursing practice. | 1996 | British Journal of Nursing 5(5) 298-301 |
Hall Gwen. | New skills find a new place. | 1996 | Practice Nurse 12(8) 517-520 |
Healy P. | Confusion reigns over nurse practitioners. | 1996 | Nursing Standard 11(6) 13 |
Torn A. McNichol E. | Can a mental health nurse be a nurse practitioner? | 1996 | 4th |
Sutton F. and Smith C. | Advanced nursing practice: new ideas and new perspectives. | 1995 | Journal of Advanced Nursing. 21, 1037 – 1043. |
Sutton F, Smith C | Advanced nursing practice: new ideas and new perspectives | 1995 | Journal of Advanced Nursing 21(6): 1037–1043 |
Griffon DP. | “Crowning the edifice.” Ethel Fenwick and state registration. | 1995 | Nursing History Review: Official Journal Of The American Association For The History Of Nursing 3: 201-12. . |
Holliday I | The NHS Transformed | 1995 | Manchester: Baseline Books |
Rhee KJ, Dermyer AL | Patient Satisfaction With a Nurse Practitioner in a University Emergency Service | 1995 | Annals of Emergency Medicine 26(2), 130-132 |
Meek SJ, Ruffles G, Anderson J & Ohiorenoya D | Nurse practitioners in major accident and emergency departments: a national survey. | 1995 | Journal of Accident and Emergency 12, 177-181. |
Sheehan A; Wright S | Cut Flowers | 1995 | Nursing Standard. 9(35):46-7, 1995 May 24-30. |
Winson G. Fox J. | Nurse Practitioners: the American experience | 1995 | British Journal of Nursing 4(22) 1326-1329 |
Thome R., Bryar, R. | A contribution to the debate | 1995 | Health Visitor, Aug 1995, Vol 68, No 8, p318. |
Jeffree, Pauline | The practice nurse : theory and practice | 1995 | London : Chapman & Hall |
Koefman K. & Woods M. | Developing a New Deal for nurses | 1995 | Nursing Standard 9(44) 33-35 |
Brown, R. | Education for specialist and advanced practice | 1995 | BRITISH JOURNAL OF NURSING, 9 Mar 1995, Vol 4, No 5, pp266-268. \r\n(Appears as supplement title British Journal of Specialist Nursing, Spring 1995, 1(1), 266-268) |
Paniagua, H. | The scope of advanced practice: Action potential for practice nurses | 1995 | British Journal of Nursing, 9 Mar 1995, Vol 4, No 5, pp269, 271-272, 274. \r\n(Appears as supplement title British Journal of Specialist nursing, Spring 1995, 1(1), 269,271-272,274) |
South Thames Regional Health Authority (STRHA) | Evaluation of Nurse Practitioner Pilot Projects. | 1995 | London, NHS Executive South Thames |
Notter Joy | Marketing specialist practice to managers and purchasers | 1995 | British Journal of Nursing 4(22) 1330-1334 |
Brown, R.A. | The politics of specialist / advanced practice: conflict or confusion? | 1995 | BRITISH JOURNAL OF NURSING, 14 Sep 1995, Vol 4, No 16, pp944-948.\r\n(Appears as supplement title British Journal of Specialist Nursing, Summer\r\n1995, 1(3), 944-948) |
Lawson, P., Emmerson, P. | Nurse Practitioners: Agents of change | 1995 | Health Visitor, Jun 1995, Vol 68, No 6, pp244-245. |
Rolfe, G., Phillips, L.-M. | An action research project to develop and evaluate the role of an advanced nurse practitioner in dementia | 1995 | Journal of Clinical Nursing, Sep 1995, Vol 4, No 5, pp289-293. |
Meister J | Adopt the singular title: advanced practice nurse. | 1995 | Nurse Pract 1995 Aug;20(8):23-4, 33 |
Mirr M.P. & Snyder M. | Advanced Practice Nursing: A Guide to Professional Development | 1995 | Springer, New York. |
Fulbrook , P | What is advanced practice? | 1995 | Intensive and critical care nursing, Feb 1995, Vol 11, No 1, p53. |
Castledine G. | Will the nurse practitioner be a mini doctor or a maxi nurse? | 1995 | BRITISH JOURNAL OF NURSING, 14 Sep 1995, Vol 4, No 16, pp938-939. \r\n(Appears as supplement title British Journal of Specialist Nursing, Summer 1995, 1(3), 938-939) |
Wilkinson C & Wilkinson J. | What are the implications of doctor-nurse substitution. | 1995 | British Journal of Nursing 14(15) 55 |
Fish J. | The impact of reducing junior doctors hours’ on nursing | 1995 | British Journal of Nursing 4(6) 306 |
Wright S.F | The role of the Nurse: extended or expanded? | 1995 | Nursing Standard 9(33) 25-29 |
Elliott, P.A. | The development of advanced nursing practice: 2 | 1995 | British Journal of Nursing, 22 Jun 1995, Vol 4, No 12, pp709-711. |
Crinson I. | Impact of the Patients Charter on A&E departments 2: the emergency nurse practitioner | 1995 | British Journal of Nursing 14 Dec 1995, Vol 4, No 22, pp1321-1325.\r\n(Appears as supplement title British Journal of Specialist Nursing , Autumn 1995, 1(4), 1321-1325) |
Davies B, Hughes AM | Clarification of advanced nursing practice: characteristics and competencies. | 1995 | Clin Nurse Spec 1995 May;9(3):156-60, 166 |
McGee P | Are specialist nurses cost effective | 1995 | British Journal of Nursing 4(22) 1320 (editorial) |
Tolley K. | Extending nurses’ professional roles | 1995 | Nursing Standard 9(18) 42-43 (wrong source) |
GIbbon B Luker K.A. | Uncharted Territory: Master preparation as a foundation for nurse clinicians | 1995 | Nurse Education Today, Jun 1995, Vol 15, No 3, pp164-169. |
Fondiller SH. | Loretta C. Ford: a modern Olympian, she lit a torch… | 1995 | N & HC Perspectives on Community. 16(1):6-11, 1995 Jan-Feb. |
Wallace M., Gough P. | The UKCC’S criteria for specialist and advanced nursing practice | 1995 | BRITISH JOURNAL OF NURSING, 14 Sep 1995, Vol 4, No 16, pp939-944.Appears as supplement title British Journal of Specialist Nursing, Summer 1995, 1(3), 939-944) |
Edwards K. | What are Nurses’ views on expanding practice | 1995 | Nursing Standard 9(41) 38-40 |
Smith M. C. | The core of advanced practice nursing | 1995 | Nursing Science Quarterly 8(1): 2-3 |
Marsden, J. | Setting up nurse practitioner roles: Issues in practice | 1995 | BRITISH JOURNAL OF NURSING, 14 Sep 1995, Vol 4, No 16, pp948-952.\r\nAppears as supplement title British Journal of Specialist Nursing, Summer 1995, 1(3), 948-952) |
DeAngelis CD | Nurse Practitioner Redux | 1994 | JAMA. 1994;271(11):868-871 |
Gawlinski, Anna, Kern, Leslie S. | The clinical nurse specialist role in critical care | 1994 | Philadelphia ; London : Saunders |
Williams C. A. Valdivieso G. C. | Advanced Practice Models: A comparison of clinical nurse specialist and nurse practitioner activities. | 1994 | Clinical Nurse Specialist 8(6) 311-318 |
Hunt, Geoffrey, Wainwright, Paul | Expanding the role of the nurse : the scope of professional practice | 1994 | Oxford : Blackwell Scientific |
Humphris, Debra | The clinical nurse specialist : issues in practice | 1994 | Basingstoke : Macmillan |
Walby S, Greenwell J | Medicine and Nursing – professions in a changing health service | 1994 | Sage Publications, London |
Lunn J. | The Scope of Professional Practice from a legal perspective | 1994 | British Journal of Nursing 13(15) 770-771 |
Clochesy JM, Daly BJ, Idemoto BK, Steel J, Fitzpatrick JJ | Preparing advanced practice nurses for acute care. | 1994 | Am J Crit Care 1994 Jul;3(4):255-9 |
Greenhalgh & Co. Ltd | The interface between junior doctors and nurses: a research study for the Department of Health | 1994 | Greenhalgh & Co. Ltd, Macclesfield (2ndry from Gibbon 1995) |
Trnobranski P. H. | Nurse Practitioner – Redefining the role of the community nurse. | 1994 | Journal of Advanced Nursing 19(1) Jan 94 134-139 |
Schumacher K.L. & Meleis A.I. | Transitions: a central concept in nursing Image: | 1994 | Journal of Nursing Scholarship 26(2), 119 127. |
Wilson-Barnett J. Beech S. | Evaluating the Clinical Nurse Specialist: a review | 1994 | International Journal of Nursing Studies 31(6) 561-571 |
Jordan S. | Nurse Practitioner, learning from the USA experience: a review of the literature. | 1994 | Health and social Care in the Community 2(3), 173-185 |
Hill J. | An evaluation of the effectiveness, safety and acceptability of a nurse practitioner in a rheumatology outpatient clinic. | 1994 | British Journal of Rheumatology. 1994. 33, 283-288. |
Chief Nursing Officers of the UK | The Challenges for Nursing and Midwifery in the 21st century (The Heathrow Debate) | 1993 | DOH (Department of Health), London |
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Royal College of Nursing (RCN) | Survey of Health Authorities and their Policies Related to Role Extension for Nurses (Unpublished) | 1990 | London, RCN. |
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Spitzer W.O. Sackett D.L. | 25th Anniversary of nurse practitioners: The Burlington randomised trial of the nurse practitioner. | 1990 | Journal of American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2(3), 93-99 |
Bates B. | Twelve Paradoxes: A message for nurse practitioners. | 1990 | Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 2(4), 136-139 |
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Chambers,N. | Nurse practitioners in primary care | 1988 | Oxford:Radcliffe Medical Press. |
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Royal College of Nursing (RCN) | Specialities in Nursing: A report of the working party investigating the development of specialities within the nursing profession. | 1988 | RCN, London |
Andrews S. | An expert in practice. | 1988 | Nursing Times 84(29 June), 31-32 |
Feldman MJ; Ventura MR. Crosby F | Studies of Nurse Practitioner Effectiveness | 1987 | Nursing Research: 36(5) 303-308 |
Geolot D.H. | Nurse Practitioner education: Observations from a national perspective. | 1987 | Nursing Outlook 35(May/June), 132-135 |
Stilwell B, Greenfield S, Drury M, Hull FM | A nurse practitioner in general practice: working style and pattern of consultations | 1987 | J R Coll Gen Pract. 37(297): 154–157. |
Stilwell B. | Different Expectations | 1987 | Nursing Times / Nursing Mirror 83(17-23 June), 59-61 |
Stilwell B. Greenfield S. Drury M. Hull F. M. | A nurse practitioner in general practice: working styles and pattern of consultation. | 1987 | Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners 37: 154-157 |
Campbell-Heider N. Pollock D. | Barriers to physician – nurse collegiality: an anthropological perspective. | 1987 | Social Science Today 25(5), 421-425 |
Keddy B; Gillis MJ; Jacobs P; Burton H; Rogers M. | The doctor-nurse relationship: an historical perspective. | 1986 | Journal Of Advanced Nursing 11 (6): 745-753. . |
Tarsitano B. J. Brophy E. B. Snyder D. J. et al | A demystification of the clinical nurse specialist role: perceptions of clinical nurse specialists and nurse administrators. | 1986 | Journal of Nurse Education 25(1) 4-9 |
Molde S. Diers D. | Nurse practitioner research: selected literature review and research agenda | 1985 | Nursing Research 34(6): 362-366 |
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White R. | Educational entry requirements for nurse registration: an historical perspective | 1985 | Journal Of Advanced Nursing 0 (6), pp. 583-90. |
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Bennett M. L. | The Rural family nurse practitioner; the quest for role-identity. | 1984 | Journal of Advanced Nursing 9, 145-155 (Originally 2ndry ref from Trnobranski quoting Sultz et al (1979) in Bennett) |
Stilwell B. | The nurse in practice. The nurse practitioner | 1984 | Nursing Mirror 158(21): 17-9 |
Sultz HA. Henry OM. Kinyon LJ. | A decade of change for nurse practitioners. | 1983 | Nursing Outlook. 31(3):137, 139-41, 188, 1983 May-Jun. |
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Macguire J. M. | The Expanded Role of the Nurse | 1980 | Kings College Fund, London |
Crabtree, M.S. | Effective utilization of clinical specialists witbin tbe organizational structure of tbe hospital nursing service | 1979 | Nursing Administration Quarterly. 4, 1-11. |
Royal College of Nursing (RCN) | The Boundaries of Nursing | 1979 | London, RCN. |
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Grace HK. | The development of doctoral education in nursing: in historical perspective | 1978 | The Journal Of Nursing Education 17 (4): 17-27. . |
Royal College of Nursing. (RCN) | The Duties and Position of the Nurse | 1977 | London, RCN |
DHSS | The extending role of the clinical nurse: Legal implications and training requirements. | 1977 | HC (77) 22 London DOH (Got this from a dissertation – not sure about this source) |
Blake, P. | The clinical nurse specialist — a nurse consultant. | 1977 | Journal of Nursing Administration. 7(10), 33-36. |
Department of Health and Social Security. | The Extended Role of the Clinical Nurse | 1977 | London, DHSS. HC(77)22. 1977 |
Lewis C.E. Cheyovich K.T. | Who is a nurse practitioner? Processes of care and patients and physicians perceptions. | 1976 | Medical Care 14(4) 365-371 |
Lawrence S.L. | Patient acceptance of the family nurse practitioner | 1976 | Medical Care 14(4) 357-364 |
Spitzer WO, Sackett, DL, Sibley JC, Roberts RS, Gent M, Kergin DJ, Hackett BC, Olynich A, Hay WI, Lefroy G, Sweeny G, Vandervlist I, Nielsen HS, MacKrell EV, Prowse N, Brame A, Fedor E, Wright K | The Burlington Randomized Trial of the Nurse Practitioner | 1974 | N Engl J Med 1974; 290:251-256 |
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Darnell RE | The promotion of interest in the role of the physician associate as a potential career opportunity for nurses: an alternative strategy | 1973 | Social Science and Medicine 7: 495-505 |
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Briggs (Report) | Report on the Committee on Nursing | 1972 | HMSO / DHSS London |
Charney E, Kitzman H, Berkow E, Cafarelli C, Davis L, Disney F, Friedlander C, Green J, Hare N, MacWhinney J, Miller R | The Child-Health Nurse (Pediatric Nurse Practitioner) in Private Practice — A Controlled Trial | 1971 | N Engl J Med 1971; 285:1353-1358 |
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Manton J. | Sister Dora: The Life of Dorothy Pattison. | 1971 | Methuen, London. |
De Tornyay R | Two views on the latest health manpower issues: Expanding the nurses role does not make her a physicians assistant. | 1971 | American Journal of Nursing 71: 974 |
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Bates B. | Doctor and Nurse: Changing roles and relations. | 1970 | The New England Journal of Medicine 283(3) 129-134 |
Gordon, M. | The clinical specialist as a change agent. | 1969 | Nursing Outlook. 17. 37-39. |
Johnson DE, Wilcox JA, Moidel HC | The clinical nurse specialist as a practitioner | 1967 | American Journal of Nursing 67: 2298 |
Ford L. & Silver H. | Expanding the Role of the Nurse in Child Care | 1967 | Nursing Outlook 15: 43-45 |
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