Author | Title | Date | Journal / Publisher / URL |
Barton TD, Bevan L, Mooney G | The Development of Advanced Practice Roles (Part 1) | 2012 | Nursing Times 108(24) 18-20 2012 |
Barton TD. | Comment: Embrace the opportunities that advanced practice offers | 2012 | Nursing Times 108(24) 15 2012 |
Bellini S; Cusson RM. | The Doctor of Nursing Practice for Entry Into Advanced Practice: The Controversy Continues as 2015 Looms. | 2012 | Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews (NEWBORN INFANT NURS REV), 2012 Mar; 12(1): 12-6 |
Brody RA. Byham-Gray L. Touger-Decker R; Passannante MR; O’Sullivan M | Identifying Components of Advanced-Level Clinical Nutrition Practice: A Delphi Study. | 2012 | Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (J ACAD NUTR DIET), 2012 Jun; 112(6): 859-69 |
Burke E; Schwartz E | Nurse Managed Clinics-Sheridan Health Services a Prime Colorado Model. | 2012 | Colorado Nurse (COLO NURSE), 2012 Feb; 112(1): 1-5 |
Caldwell BA. Sclafani M. Piren K. Torre C | The Evolution of the Advanced Practice Role in Psychiatric Mental Health in New Jersey: 1960-2010. | 2012 | Issues in Mental Health Nursing (ISSUES MENT HEALTH NURS), 2012 Apr; 33(4): 217-22 |
Chang AM. Gardner GE. Duffield C. Ramis MA | Advanced practice nursing role development: factor analysis of a modified role delineation tool. | 2012 | Journal of Advanced Nursing (J ADV NURS), 2012 Jun; 68(6): 1369-79 |
Esperat MCR, Hanson-Turton T, Richardson M, Debisette AT, Rupinta C | Nurse-managed health centers: Safety-net care through advanced nursing practice | 2012 | Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 24(1), 24–31 |
Hanrahan NP. Delaney KR. Stuart GW. | Blueprint for development of the advanced practice psychiatric nurse workforce. | 2012 | Nursing Outlook (NURS OUTLOOK), 2012 Mar; 60(2): 91-104 |
Jones JS. Minarik PA. | The Plight of the Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Dismantling of the Advanced Practice Nursing Archetype | 2012 | Clinical Nurse Specialist: 26(3) 121–125 |
Kilpatricka K, Lavoie-Tremblayb M, Ritchieb JA, Lamothec L, Dorand D Christian Rocheforte | How are acute care nurse practitioners enacting their roles in healthcare teams? A descriptive multiple-case study | 2012 | International Journal of Nursing Studies: Available online 16 March 2012. |
Lowe G, Plummer V, O’Brien AP, Boyd L | Time to clarify – the value of advanced practice nursing roles in health care | 2012 | Journal of Advanced Nursing 68(3), 677–685 |
McAfree J | Developing an Advanced Practice Nurse–Led Liver Clinic | 2012 | Gastroenterology Nursing: 35(3) 215–224 |
Ross, J | Nurse prescribing in the USA: a nurse prescribing practice report. | 2012 | Nurse Prescribing (NURSE PRESCRIBING), 2012 Feb; 10(2): 91-9 |
Shearer, D ; Adams, J | Evaluating an advanced nursing practice course: student perceptions. | 2012 | Nursing Standard (NURS STAND), 2012 Jan; 26(21): 35-41 |
Teske AE | Advanced Practice Nurses in Ohio Community Hospitals | 2012 | The Journal for Nurse Practitioners 8(2) 129-135 |
Thompson W. Meskell P. | Evaluation of an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (Emergency Care)—An Irish Perspective | 2012 | The Journal for Nurse Practitioners 8(3) , 200-205 |
Williamson S. Twelvetree T, Thompson J, Beaver K | An ethnographic study exploring the role of ward-based Advanced Nurse Practitioners in an acute medical setting | 2012 | online: 1 MAR 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.05970.x |
Wilson M, Gerber K, Mahoney S, Odell M | An audit of independent nurse prescribing in a critical care outreach team | 2012 | Nursing in Critical Care 17(2), 83–89 |
Altersved E. Zetterlund L. Lindblad U. Fagerström L. | Advanced practice nurses: A new resource for Swedish primary health-care teams | 2011 | International Journal of Nursing Practice 17(2): 174–180 |
Anp, MB | Professional Boundaries and Dual Relationships in Clinical Practice | 2011 | The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 7(3), pp. 195-200 |
Barton T.D. and Mashlan W | An Advanced Practitioner Led Service – the consequence of radical service redesign for health care managers and organisational infra-structure. | 2011 | Journal of Nursing Management Autumn 2011 – In press / Wiley online |
Barton TD. Davies A. Davies R | Advanced Practice in Children and Young People’s Nursing | 2011 | In: Children’s Nursing Practice and Child Health / Ed Davies & Davies / Hodder Arnold, Health Sciences |
Beglinger JE; Hauge B; Krause S; Ziebarth L. | Shaping future nurse leaders through shared governance. | 2011 | The Nursing Clinics Of North America 46(1): 129-35. |
Berg M. Hawkins-Walsh E. Gaylord N. Lindeke L. Docherty S.L. | Emerging Issues Regarding Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Education in Acute and Primary Care | 2011 | Journal of Pediatric Health Care 25 (1): 62-66 |
Brook S. Rushforth H | Why is the regulation of advanced practice essential? | 2011 | British Journal of Nursing (BJN) (BR J NURS), 2011 Sep 8; 20(16): 996-1000 |
Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses | Position statement: nurse practitioner in critical care. | 2011 | Dynamics (Pembroke, Ont.) 22 (1), 12-3. . |
Christensen M. | Advancing nursing practice: redefining the theoretical and practical integration of knowledge | 2011 | Journal of Clinical Nursing 20(5-6): 873–881 |
Corporate Authors:American Medical Directors Association ad hoc Work Group on Role of Attending Physician and Advanced Practice Nurse. | Collaborative and supervisory relationships between attending physicians and advanced practice nurses in long-term care facilities | 2011 | Journal Of The American Medical Directors Association 12(1): 12-18. |
Cronenwett L, Dracup K, Grey M, McCauley L, Meleis A, Salmon M | The Doctor of Nursing Practice: A national workforce perspective | 2011 | Nursing Outlook, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 9-17, Jan-Feb 2011 |
De Milt D.G. Fitzpatrick J.L. | Nurse practitioners’ job satisfaction and intent to leave current positions, the nursing profession, and the nurse practitioner role as a direct care provider | 2011 | Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 23 (1): 42–50 |
Department of Health | Health and Social Care Bill 2011 | 2011 | London, HMSO |
Dierick-van Daele A. Steuten L.M. Romeijn A. Derckx A.W. Vrijhoef H.J. | Is it economically viable to employ the nurse practitioner in general practice? | 2011 | Journal of Clinical Nursing 20 (3-4): 518–529 |
Dunkley L & Haider S | Nursing & Midwifery: Workforce risks and opportunities | 2011 | Centre for Workforce Intelligence, London |
Earle EA; Taylor J; Peet M; Grant G. | Nurse prescribing in specialist mental health (part 2): the views and experiences of psychiatrists and health professionals. | 2011 | Journal Of Psychiatric And Mental Health Nursing 18 (4): 281-7. |
Earle EA; Taylor J; Peet M; Grant G. | Nurse prescribing in specialist mental health (part 1): the views and experiences of practising and non-practising nurse prescribers and service users | 2011 | Journal Of Psychiatric And Mental Health Nursing 18 (3): 189-97. |
FagerstrÖM L. Glasberg AL | The first evaluation of the advanced practice nurse role in Finland – the perspective of nurse leaders. | 2011 | Journal of Nursing Management (J NURS MANAGE), 2011 Oct; 19(7): 925-32 |
Farley T.L. Latham G. | Evolution of Critical Care Nurse Practitioner Role Within a US Academic Medical Center | 2011 | ICU Director 2 (1): 16-19 |
Fleming E. Carberry M. | Steering a course towards advanced nurse practitioner: a critical care perspective | 2011 | Nursing in Critical Care 16(2): 67–76 |
Frellick M | The nurse practitioner will see you now. | 2011 | The Journal For Hospital Governing Boards 64 (5), 8-12, |
Gerrish K, Guillaume L, Kirshbaum M, McDonnell A, Tod A, Nolan M | Factors influencing the contribution of advanced practice nurses to promoting evidence-based practice among front-line nurses: findings from a cross-sectional survey. | 2011 | Journal of Advanced Nursing (J ADV NURS), 2011 May; 67(5): 1079-90 |
Gerrish K; McDonnell A; Nolan M; Guillaume L; Kirshbaum M; Tod A | The role of advanced practice nurses in knowledge brokering as a means of promoting evidence-based practice among clinical nurses. | 2011 | Journal of Advanced Nursing (J ADV NURS), 2011 Sep; 67(9): 2004-14 |
Goldschmidt K; Rust D; Torowicz D; Kolb S. | Onboarding advanced practice nurses: development of an orientation program in a cardiac center. | 2011 | The Journal Of Nursing Administration 41(1): 36-40. |
Goolsby M.J. | 2009–2010 AANP national nurse practitioner sample survey: An overview | 2011 | Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 23(5): 266–268 |
Graham M. | Building a national consensus for APRN regulation | 2011 | Nurse Practitioner 36(5): 8 |
Hanrahan N.P. Wu E. Kelly D. Aiken L.H. Blank M.B. | Randomized Clinical Trial of the effectiveness of a Home-Based Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse Intervention: Outcomes for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness and HIV | 2011 | Nursing Research and Practice 2011 ID 840248 Volume 2011, Ar |
Hespenheide M; Cottingham T; Mueller G | Portfolio use as a tool to demonstrate professional development in advanced nursing practice. | 2011 | Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice (CLIN NURSE SPEC), 2011 Nov-Dec; 25(6): 312-20 |
Hill KS. | Work satisfaction, intent to stay, desires of nurses, and financial knowledge among bedside and advanced practice nurses | 2011 | The Journal Of Nursing Administration 41(5): 211-217. |
Hill L.A. Sawatzky J.V. | Transitioning Into the Nurse Practitioner Role Through Mentorship | 2011 | Journal of Professional Nursing 27(3): 161-167 |
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Hoke MM; Robbins LK. | Continuing the cultural competency journey through exploration of knowledge, attitudes, and skills with advanced practice psychiatric nursing students: an exemplar. | 2011 | The Nursing Clinics Of North America 46(2): 201-205 |
Hoy H; Alexander S; Payne J; Zavala E | The role of advanced practice nurses in transplant center staffing. | 2011 | Progress in Transplantation (PROG TRANSPLANT), 2011 Dec; 21(4): 294-8 |
Jeffries PR; Beach M; Decker SI ; Dlugasch L; Groom J; Settles J; O’donnell JM. | Multi-Center Development and Testing of a Simulation-Based Cardiovascular Assessment Curriculum for Advanced Practice Nurses. | 2011 | Nursing Education Perspectives (NURS EDUC PERSPECT), 2011 Sep-Oct; 32(5): 316-22 |
Kilpatrick K, Lavoie-Tremblay M, Ritchie JA, Lamothe L. | Advanced practice nursing, health care teams, and perceptions of team effectiveness. | 2011 | Health Care Manag 30(3):215-26. |
Lewis K. | Nurse Practitioner Leaders: Are We Missing the Mark? | 2011 | Nurse Leader 9(3): 31-32, 35 |
Lindsay B.J. | Prescribing Cardiac Nurse Practitioner—A Primary-Care Innovation | 2011 | Heart, Lung & Circulation 20(6): 397 |
Lowe G, Plummer V, O’Brien AP, Boyd L. | Time to clarify – the value of advanced practice nursing roles in health care. | 2011 | J Adv Nurs. 2011 Jul 27. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05790.x. [Epub ahead of print] |
McMurray, Robert | The struggle to professionalize: an ethnographic account of the occupational position of Advanced Nurse Practitioners | 2011 | Human relations, 64(6), pp. 801-822, |
McNamara S; Lepage K; Boileau J. | Bridging the gap: interprofessional collaboration between nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist. | 2011 | Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS 25(1): 33-40 |
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Nieminen AL; Mannevaara B ; Fagerström L | Advanced practice nurses’ scope of practice: a qualitative study of advanced clinical competencies. | 2011 | Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences (SCAND J CARING SCI), 2011 Dec; 25(4): 661-70 |
Pearson H. | Concepts of advanced practice: what does it mean? | 2011 | British Journal Of Nursing 20 (3): 184-185 |
Philpot C; Tolson D; Morley JE. | Advanced practice nurses and attending physicians: a collaboration to improve quality of care in the nursing home. | 2011 | Journal Of The American Medical Directors Association 12(3): 161-165 |
Pye S. Green A. | Professional Development for an Advanced Practice Nursing Team | 2011 | The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 42(5): 217-222 |
Scarpa R & Connelly PE. | Innovations in performance assessment: a criterion based performance assessment for advanced practice nurses using a synergistic theoretical nursing framework | 2011 | Nursing Administration Quarterly 35 (2): 164-73. . |
Smith SL; Hall MA | Advanced neonatal nurse practitioners in the workforce: a review of the evidence to date | 2011 | Archives Of Disease In Childhood. Fetal And Neonatal Edition 96(2): F151-5. . |
Stevenson K. Ryan S. Masterson A. | Nurse and allied health professional consultants: perceptions and experiences of the role | 2011 | Journal of Clinical Nursing 20(3-4): 537–544 |
Thompson CJ; Nelson-Marten P. | Clinical nurse specialist education: actualizing the systems leadership competency. | 2011 | Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS 25 (3): 133-9. . |
Thoun DS. | Specialty and advanced practice nursing: discerning the differences. | 2011 | Nurs Sci Q. 2011 Jul;24(3):216-22. |
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White, CS | Advanced Practice Prescribing: Issues and Strategies in Preventing Medication Error. | 2011 | Journal of Nursing Law (J NURS LAW), 2011; 14(3-4): 120-127 |
Williams V. Smith A. Chapman L. Oliver D. | Community matrons – an exploratory study of patients’ views and experiences | 2011 | Journal of Advanced Nursing 67(1): 86–93 |
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Ackerman MH; Mick D; Witzel P | Creating an organizational model to support advanced practice. | 2010 | Journal of Nursing Administration, 2010 Feb; 40(2): 63-8 |
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Chang AM ; Gardner GE ; Duffield C ; Ramis M | A Delphi study to validate an Advanced Practice Nursing tool. | 2010 | Journal of Advanced Nursing (J ADV NURS), 2010 Oct; 66(10): 2320-30 |
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