Deborah Slade

Deborah Slade


Oxford Brookes University

I am a new member of the AAPE committee. My clinical background is in critical care, mainly Neurosciences and Intensive Care. Many years ago I piloted a ‘Nurse Anaesthetist’ role as part of an initiative towards an advanced practice level of nursing. Subsequently, after completing my MSc in Autonomous Heath Care Practice, I became a Lecturer Practitioner in Intensive Care Practice.

Having completed a PG Cert in HPE, I now lead the Master’s programmes in Advanced Practice.
I am passionate about all health professionals having access to sound education opportunities in order to optimise the health care experience for all service users. Over the years being an External Examiner for several Master’s level Advanced Practice programmes across different universities has allowed me to collaborate on ideas and share good practice. I am an active ALS Instructor, and part of a multi-professional team using high fidelity simulation to facilitate interprofessional learning.

I was keen to join the AAPE committee to participate in the ongoing drive for robust education to underpin Advanced Clinical Practice standards and frameworks across the UK. Advanced Clinical Practitioners have pivotal roles to play within the multi-professional approach to provision of quality health care.
